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Social-ecological pathways and gender perspectives for future conservation of biocultural mountain agro-ecosystems


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SCALABLE is a research project funded by the MSCA-IF-2020 Individual Fellowship. It will focus on the role of Mediterranean agricultural landscapes and how are shaped by human practices to produce traditional land management systems. These landscapes are currently threatened by factors including urban migration and ageing populations, which are directly impacting local communities. The EU-funded SCALABLE project will identify how gender equity can promote pathways for the future conservation of mountain agricultural landscapes in the biocultural regions of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in southern Spain. It will evaluate current and future biocultural practices, map biocultural practices as elements for landscape conservation and the ecosystem services provided using a gender perspective, and identify future pathways to secure local well-being and biocultural landscape conservation to foster gender equity and landscape sustainability, helping support the future development of rural areas in the south of Spain.

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