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  • Quintas-Soriano, C. (2023). Rural development and sustainability promotion. Infographic results from SCALABLE project. [Infographic material] Zenodo.

  • Quintas-Soriano, C. (2023). Imagining the future of biocultural diversity conservation. Infographic results from SCALABLE project. [Infographic material] Zenodo.

  • Quintas Soriano, C. (2023). Human-nature connectedness in rural areas. Infographic results from SCALABLE project. [Infographic material] Zenodo.

  • Quintas-Soriano, C. (2023) What is rural abandonment and why we should care about it. Infographic results from SCALABLE project. [Infographic material] Zenodo.

  • Quintas-Soriano, C. (2023) SCALABLE - Social-ecological pathways and gender perspectives for future conservation of biocultural mountain agro-ecosystems - Deliverable 3.1: Future scenarios developed for the conservation of mountain agro-ecosystems [Data set]. Zenodo.

  • Quintas-Soriano, C. (2023) SCALABLE - Social-ecological pathways and gender perspectives for future conservation of biocultural mountain agro-ecosystems - Deliverable 2.1: Spatially explicit database on biocultural practices and their associated ecosystem services [Data set]. Zenodo.

  • Quintas-Soriano, C. (2023) SCALABLE - Social-ecological pathways and gender perspectives for future conservation of biocultural mountain agro-ecosystems - Deliverable 1.1: Database of social perceptions towards impacts and threats [Data set]. Zenodo.

  • Quintas-Soriano, C. (2021) Flyer SCALABLE project

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